Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Managing Time

I arrived at the San Francisco house last night around 11 and saw Sarah Trank. I was readily reminded that less than a month ago she had lost her husband making her a very young widow. I was able to spend some time with Isaac Barron and get a feel for the house. I heard how chaotic it has been here for the past couple months: not only with Sean's passing but also with the crazy amount of transitions there have been. From the different house leaders to the 5 Interns they have leaving here right now.
      I wanted to make myself useful but didn't know how. So I thought to myself what does a chaotic house need more than anything... the answer? order... so yeah I pulled an abby/mom and cleaned for 6 hours straight. it was fun, it was rejuvenating. and the best part about it was no one knows how much I did. They all saw bits and pieces of me cleaning throughout the day but I was able to clean, sweep, organize, restock many essential things in the kitchen. I was looking forward to relaxing for the next 4 days until Blue Mosaic starts up. But it looks like ill be busy making this place a little easier to live in.
      As much as I hated living with shelly and how revolting his house maintenance habits were (He didn't have any) I truly appreciate the urge he left me to keep my space clean. granted my room has and always will be a little messy (I live out of a suitcase after all) but he truly ruined my ability to allow dirty to stay dirty. and when I am not expected to do it i actually do gravitate towards doing the dirty work no one else wants to do.
      Y'all gotta start writing on here,
Im monopolizing.

Love you all

1 comment:

  1. Very sad about Sarah, but also very good of you to serve behind the scenes. Can someone tell me how to post a blog entry on here. I have no idea how to do it.
