Wednesday, August 13, 2014

This Morning I smell like Basil

     I finally made it into my usual it  was planned but not for that moment, oh well I got a lot of work done. It looks a little better. As I was working, harvesting, pruning and pulling weeds, sweeping up after myself, I thought of something I wanted to share with you.
     In the spring I found a plant growing in a bucket of all places. It had gotten a little rain and the plant was thriving. It was in a zip lock and it was unlabeled. But I could tell that it was some sort of a squash, so I carefully found a place for it in my garden and planted it. It thrived, at first I thought it was a que-ball zucchini  so I picked a few and cooked them up. But I also gave a portion of one to the chickens and the skin of that squash turned orange. Ooops not a zucchini but I had a pumpkin growing in my garden. Now, you need to know that I am not fond of pumpkins, they trail everywhere, they need lots of space and they don't care what they trample in the process of getting to where they feel is the best dirt and sun...(I am sure an application is lurking around the corner, but not for now.) But this plant that was growing in a bucket, of all the seeds in the bucket this was the only one growing in these spare conditions. Now, in a variety of locations throughout my garden I have these large orange orbs thriving at least 10 at last count, not counting the ones eaten prematurely. So I guess we will have pumpkins this fall :].
      But the bigger application is this; We are planted where we are, we are all, each one of us scrappers. That lone plant growing in a bucket. Each one of us could list reasons why we shouldn't be where we are, or better yet we could come up with a list of obstacles we have had to overcome and those that loom ahead. But we have been planted where we are; and we are also often unaware of the lives we are touching, where those we touch will land and also be fruitful. So don't despair, when that unidentified plant is growing (eventually it will be identifiable), and it seems to taking your energies into directions you hadn't planned, and most of all you are not confident your life is making its mark on anyone. Trust Him, trust the garden He has planted you in, the space you need, the quality of the soil as well as the exact amount of Him. You will be fruitful in places you could never have imagined.
     I love you allllll, and excited to be doing life with you

Monday, August 4, 2014

So you ever wonder why you have no room for your spices in that one cabinet. Well we found the answer. Cause you haven't been hanging them on your fridge in little tins and making room in that cramped cabinet for important things like Gee or Soy-Free soy sauce. Yea I have posted and our fridge looks like the best christmas tree ever.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I have just finished making comments on many of your bloggs and as I went back to check to see if they were there...they weren't.

I did try to comment on your posts I guess that must be my next tutorial.

Thank you for all your posts.
I am just about ready to go to bed but I wanted to post something unique I heard this morning. The pastor was bringing us a message from Ephesians and told us that there were two things that Paul spent his time writing two things; first what God has done and second who we are because of all God has done...Paul in Eph. 4:1 entreated us to walk "worthy" of the calling  with which we have been called....After today's preaching I see, feel and understand my position in Christ differently ... Colossians reiterates the fact "for in Him all the fullness of deity of dwells in bodily form and in Him you (each one of us !) have been made complete....

how short sighted we often are, I am so quick to condemn myself, and I am sure I would be better off a year from now if I thought of myself in the same light I think of my grandbabies or my kids. I love each of you and them, I delight in the lives you are living, the goals you are pursuing...each one of you; Hannah (and Jeremiah) in raising children committing your life to teaching and training them in Truth. Andrew (and Jen) how I delight as I watch you making a new life, a new home, a new family. Abby (and Jeffrey) as you pursue you passions in taking your love of learning to students, giving them a vision of a greater world than they could ever imagine, and David (?) as you pursue Him, as you seek to know and do His will I pray that you would find great delight this year as you speak life into the lives of others, as you bless many with your passion to sing....All  that each one of you do brings delight to my heart and in much the same way delights Our Father in Heaven.

Blessings on your week.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Managing Time

I arrived at the San Francisco house last night around 11 and saw Sarah Trank. I was readily reminded that less than a month ago she had lost her husband making her a very young widow. I was able to spend some time with Isaac Barron and get a feel for the house. I heard how chaotic it has been here for the past couple months: not only with Sean's passing but also with the crazy amount of transitions there have been. From the different house leaders to the 5 Interns they have leaving here right now.
      I wanted to make myself useful but didn't know how. So I thought to myself what does a chaotic house need more than anything... the answer? order... so yeah I pulled an abby/mom and cleaned for 6 hours straight. it was fun, it was rejuvenating. and the best part about it was no one knows how much I did. They all saw bits and pieces of me cleaning throughout the day but I was able to clean, sweep, organize, restock many essential things in the kitchen. I was looking forward to relaxing for the next 4 days until Blue Mosaic starts up. But it looks like ill be busy making this place a little easier to live in.
      As much as I hated living with shelly and how revolting his house maintenance habits were (He didn't have any) I truly appreciate the urge he left me to keep my space clean. granted my room has and always will be a little messy (I live out of a suitcase after all) but he truly ruined my ability to allow dirty to stay dirty. and when I am not expected to do it i actually do gravitate towards doing the dirty work no one else wants to do.
      Y'all gotta start writing on here,
Im monopolizing.

Love you all

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Campaign... crusade... Outreach

It is our last day on campaign today. We spent the day praying in union square as an entire group (some 30 of us). It was amazing: mid prayer we were having people interrupt us to talk to ask us who we were. It was a fantastic example of what our goal was this year an how we accomplished it in many ways. We were done shoving pamphlets in peoples faces asking them "who do you think Jesus is" we were done bannnering simply to get a reaction. We wanted to engage with people on a personal level and that's what we structured our entire ministry on. And on this last day when we simply wanted to pray we were shown, in a sense, the fruit of our labour

During our time on outreaches and doing service projects I was asked to be on 4 of the 5 different projects, each time the leader approached apologetically asking of I could. I would respond with an "of course!" And yesterday they approached me and asked me why I was so willing, to help to serve... Etc... I didn't have an answer. However now that I have had time to think about it I think about the serving attitude my family has and the example thy have set for me. It was never a "oh I'm being forced to do this so now I have a good work ethic" thing. It was more of a, "I saw Hannah Abby and mom (specifically but not excluding andrew and dad) . Commit so much time to the needs of others that just became the standard. So if like to thank you guys. I am currently laying on a couch napping but 90 % of the time I have been on my feet seeking where I can be useful. And since I can't put a finger on where in me that comes from I'll put it on you all :)
Just thought I'd share. 
P.s. Um we should all comment on each other's blogs. Just sayin
K bye

Thursday, July 24, 2014

3 hours later

 I just slept a pitiful excuse of an amount of time. But I'm up and I wanted to say I love you guys! And that you all are probably the kewlest people I know. All of you! Hannah andrew Abby mom and dad and all you JE's! :) you are my family! 
Just proof that Hannah is my sister, you wouldn't believe how many people know the Zaretsky's but are unaware how we are related. 
Andrew remember that one time when we all did that super Jewish thing and led Passover! I am so happy we did that! Let's keep that going. Maybe a little less of me next year though :p
I have a seriously ridiculous number of these pics in my phone from all of you harassing me wanting to see what g'ma had that we all wanted! I miss her and her crabbiness. I need someone to call me a smart ass just once more :/
I miss these twos incessant lovey dovey ways that make me want to splash cold water on them 90% of the time!! 
And I'm sad I don't get to see how these two behave now that they are married! And growing and learning from one another in a whole new way! 
And this guys Godly love he has and how he shows it to his family!
And I will miss seeing these two on a regular basis! We were blessed with constant visits! I will make sure I stay uncle boo and not just some guy they remember! 
I think I miss more than anything what we are together! And what we stand for as a family that has persevered through so much. I love you all and... I think our family is pretty great and stuff
Even if sometimes we do RAdiculous looking things!