Wednesday, August 13, 2014

This Morning I smell like Basil

     I finally made it into my usual it  was planned but not for that moment, oh well I got a lot of work done. It looks a little better. As I was working, harvesting, pruning and pulling weeds, sweeping up after myself, I thought of something I wanted to share with you.
     In the spring I found a plant growing in a bucket of all places. It had gotten a little rain and the plant was thriving. It was in a zip lock and it was unlabeled. But I could tell that it was some sort of a squash, so I carefully found a place for it in my garden and planted it. It thrived, at first I thought it was a que-ball zucchini  so I picked a few and cooked them up. But I also gave a portion of one to the chickens and the skin of that squash turned orange. Ooops not a zucchini but I had a pumpkin growing in my garden. Now, you need to know that I am not fond of pumpkins, they trail everywhere, they need lots of space and they don't care what they trample in the process of getting to where they feel is the best dirt and sun...(I am sure an application is lurking around the corner, but not for now.) But this plant that was growing in a bucket, of all the seeds in the bucket this was the only one growing in these spare conditions. Now, in a variety of locations throughout my garden I have these large orange orbs thriving at least 10 at last count, not counting the ones eaten prematurely. So I guess we will have pumpkins this fall :].
      But the bigger application is this; We are planted where we are, we are all, each one of us scrappers. That lone plant growing in a bucket. Each one of us could list reasons why we shouldn't be where we are, or better yet we could come up with a list of obstacles we have had to overcome and those that loom ahead. But we have been planted where we are; and we are also often unaware of the lives we are touching, where those we touch will land and also be fruitful. So don't despair, when that unidentified plant is growing (eventually it will be identifiable), and it seems to taking your energies into directions you hadn't planned, and most of all you are not confident your life is making its mark on anyone. Trust Him, trust the garden He has planted you in, the space you need, the quality of the soil as well as the exact amount of Him. You will be fruitful in places you could never have imagined.
     I love you allllll, and excited to be doing life with you

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